12-0416-2018 ------------ latest rev: 1067 s3m2b: Add MeshFlags on export (ignored on import). s3m2b: Update for IndexCountFromPrimitiveType moving from MLOD to IBUF. --- 11-1120-2030 ------------ latest rev: 982 Version number now on file dialogs, removing one pop-up. Root joint no longer required to be referenced, removing one pop-up. Off-scale geostates are no longer termed sub-groups. On request, UVScales, DiffuseUVSelector and SpecularUVSelector values are set to default. --- 11-1119-2326 ------------ latest rev: 981 Display test version number for test purposes. Capture list of all off-scale UV vertices and offer them for display. --- 11-1112-1811 ------------ latest rev: 979 Use forked meshExpImp.ModelBlocks. Allow import to be cancelled if UVScales causes UVMap aliasing. --- 11-1001-2247 ------------ latest rev: 966 Move *.helper into Helpers sub-folder. Set program filename to absolute installation path. Amend ModelResource DLL name prefix to avoid any chance of confusion. Update build script, rename packaging and provide stand-alone installer.