Renovating and Updating the Goth Manor in the 2020s
If you’ve followed my previous Pleasantview stories, Cassandra is living in Old Town in her childhood home, Bella has ran off with Skip Broke (who faked his death), and Mortimer is still an adult (on the older end). Now that Mortimer has discovered that Bella is alive and well and certainly not coming back, he’s decided that it’s time to turn the goth manor into a bit of a more modern home-perhaps to sell it, or perhaps to find new love. Either way, Mortimer is thinking about the future, and how Alexander will soon be gone for college… big changes are on the horizon, so it’s time to start remodelling. I’m more of a Victorian/French provincial kind of girl than gothic. Modern and luxurious are at the forefront of this home. Will Mortimer Love it or List it when finished these changes? Certainly the market resale value has skyrocketed…
The Goth house is not one I enjoy looks-wise. Also, having a completely empty attic with the exception of one painting easel is really creepy, right? Outside there are minor changes like removing the ugly reddish stairs and replacing them with wrought iron. I also added a small step off the kitchen that leads to a greenhouse, and a driveway for a nice car. The windows and doors have been updated to be a black wood. Most of the windows are just recolored, with the exception of a few that were swapped out.
The dining room, I did a modern-version of 1960s style. I don’t know why, but I was just feeling that for the room.
The before images of the Goth house.
A few things might look out of place due to defaults (the toilet default is messed up and I haven’t fixed it yet). Bed spreads are default changed. I also got rid of the graveyard and moved the remaining graves. Partially this is because I’ve resurrected almost everybody that was in this graveyard so for storytelling purposes it doesn’t make sense.
The finished house
I updated the windows to black, which I find much more satisfying. Also, a bit of yard work was done including the new driveway for Mortimer’s car, and some hedges.
The first floor overview.
The second floor overview.
The third floor turned into an office. No changes were made to the roof so it won’t be shown.
The basement (includes butler quarters). The tv is messed up in the pic and I’m too lazy to go retake it.
The back yard, deck, and my personal absolute favourite, the fully-functional swimming pond.
The livingroom (I’m in love with it).
The dining room
The kitchen
The entry-way
Downstairs bathroom
Upstairs bathrooms
The Master bedroom
Master console/hallway table
Alexander’s room
Cassandra’s room (despite her moving out).
The greenhouse area