My Pleasantview Stories in Order
This Pleasantview rotation has been an absolute joy. I hope you enjoy the wild ride with me! Posts are displayed from first to last, so no need to fiddle with paging! I recommend using ctrl + click to open the story post in the next tab!

Establishing a timeline for Pleasantview
Ah, Pleasantview… the place where Bella Goth was missing and Mortimer Goth is an old man. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all. Okay, I love the game, but I don’t like how the aging process works. You go from adult to old man in the blink of an eye, then you’re […]

The Pleasantries of Pleantview’s Pleasant Family
I’ve always had a soft spot for Pleasantview’s Pleasant family. As a kid playing I was a bit mortified, and intrigued, by Daniel’s relationship with the maid. As an adult-woman (now married), however, I am not enjoying this one bit. The first thing I did when I got into the Pleasant’s household was have Mary […]

The Pleasantview Kids go to College- with Disastrous (and Okay) Results
I’ll admit that I completely forgot that the game sets up Lilith with Dirk, and Angela with Dustin as its default. I also completely forgot that I had Autonomous Casual Romance (ACR) installed in the game. So, immediately upon moving into the dorms, everybody was kissing and getting together. I let this be, because it […]

Resurrection: Agnes Crumplebottom, and the Goth Sr.’s in The Sims 2
Mortimer kept dying in my game, before I ever really had a chance to do much with him. So, I decided to resurrect him. I already had mods for it, so I got him back to life. That’s not at all what this post is about. This post is more about my complete obsession with […]

Skip Broke, alive… and with Bella Goth?
This is probably the juiciest story I’ve ever undertaken in The Sims 2 since it came out. You can see how I resurrected them here. In my playthrough Mortimer is still an adult (right before elder). See my timeline. The last night Bella was seen “alive”… Don was there, but so was a very undead […]

Dina and Michael Bachelor, Happily Ever After
I’m so sick of the Dina and Nina are golddigging homewreckers storylines. Not here, not with me. Dina is happily married to a very alive, (and 49-year-old) Michael Bachelor. Why is Michael white? For some reason the game had him this way. I’m going to see about Simpe’ing him, but otherwise… enjoy white-washed Michael. UPDATE: […]

A Heartbroken Cassandra Goth buys her Childhood Home
Still reeling from learning her mother is alive and ran away with Skip Broke, Cassandra is single and heart broken. In a twist today I’m starting my Sims 2 playthrough in Sims 1. Look at baby Cassandra I mostly just wanted to visit the original Goth house before moving on to the re-creation in The […]

Dirk and Lilith After College Bliss
Correction: in a very stupid-on-new-antidepressants move, I accidentally referred to Lilith as Angela in the original post. I am just as bad as Mary Sue and Daniel. ???? I never really expected Dirk and Lilith to make it this long. However, they rarely fight, and I’m not going to force them to. Apparently they’re in […]

Bella Goth is Back With a Vengeance
Bella’s finally come back to town… and she’s out for blood… or is it money she’s after? (View the rest of the story here). After not hearing from Bella in over a year, Mortimer is shocked when divorce papers show up at his door. Mortimer thinks about how Bella disappeared, and considers the idea of […]

Post-Divorce, Mortimer Moves Back With The Goth Seniors
Follow the full Pleasantview stories here. For those of you who don’t remember, I resurrected most of the Goth family, and my Pleasantview timeline of ages can be found here. Post divorce, Mortimer is devastated by the news of his court case getting out to the world- everybody now believes that Mortimer abused Bella. Alexander […]