My Defaults and Necessary Mods for The Sims 3
The bulk of this list comes from NixyFix, PleasantSims, Spoons and Things, and OneEuroMutt. I have also added my own here and there, and replaced broken links.
Sims Body
- KD Primer default skin by Kurasoberina
- Buhudain’s default replacement eyeball mesh – Original file gone, you can find it in this SFS folder however.
- Buhudain’s “You Are Real” (Same folder as above).
- Buckley’s default replacement eyeball mesh for kids
- Inquisition eyes by simtanico
- Bloom’s default feet replacement
- Cute feet default replacement feet for children and toddlers by Cyo
- Default replacement moles and freckles by Kethira
- SLU default replacement brows
- SLU default replacement beards
- SLU default replacement eyeliner
- SLU default replacement lipstick
- Default replacement eyeshadow by lavsm
- Default blush by carver (second link on the page)
- S Club eyelash remover (you need this for their 3D eyelashes to work, it gets rid of EA’s eyelashes)
- S Club default replacement eyelash mesh female
- S Club default replacement eyelash mesh male
- S Club eyelash set no 2
- Buckley’s fix for S Club eyelashes and hair overlapping
- S Club eyelashes for toddlers and kids by Sketchbook pixels
- No mutated hair or eye color by KittyCarey
- Armpit hair by moxiemason (this one is not a default replacement)
Nude Meshes
Clothing Fixes
- BuckleySims Late Night Maternity Defaults
- BuckleySims University Maternity Defaults
- BuckleySims Master Suite Maternity Defaults
- BuckleySims University Sports Bra Edit (Default)
- ILTS Denecklaced / De-logoed Defaults for World Adventures / Ambitions / Late Night / Generations / Pets / Supernatural / Showtime (AM) / University
- PrettyLadyBabies life-giving texture nuke of Supernatural skirts (and a couple from the base game)
- OneEuroMutt Less Shoe Shine for BG shoes
Supernatural Sims
- Default replacement dragon wings by Juliet_Montague (replaces the bumblebee fairy wings)
- Default replacement angel wings and no sparks for all fairy wings by Juliet_Montague (replaces the ribbon/swirly fairy wings)
- Default replacement fairy wings by Merkaba (I use these to replace the monarch and wisp wings only)
- Default replacement fairy wings by Eternal2ndKira (I use these to replace the fern and dragonfly wings only)
- Default eyes for imaginary friends by Danjaley
- No scales for human mermaids by LukeProduction
- Plant sim vines unlocked in CAS
- Inscrutable Eyes for cats by cmomoney
- Christy’s eyes- default dog eyes by corapntr
- Dog eye fix by traelia
- Cat eye fix by traelia
- Default horse eyes and fix by corapntr
- No shiny coat horse fix by Equus
- No pet mutations by chicken0895 – Requires free account to view
- Default replacement white pillows for fighting by alverdine
- Default replacement taxis by alverdine
- Default replacement umbrellas and parasols by alverdine
- Default replacement ice cream truck by alverdine
- Default bicycle replacements by Alverdine
- Default iphone 8 by jwofles
- Recolorable generations wedding cake by heaven
- Wildflower vase replacement by frenneshay
- White baby bottle by daluved1
- Nectar glass replacer by icarus_allsorts
- Default flag replacement by Lisen
- Digital frame overlay replacement by celtysims
- Default book replacements by Esjai
Objects made portable/castable/shiftable/slotable
- Frames for sim painted paintings made castable by mikey
- Easels made portable by JustAnotherSimsFan
- Microwave slots by chasmchronicle
- Toilet slots by mikey
- Fridge slots by cmomoney
- Stereo slots by mikey
- Shiftable skill and World Adventure certificates by sweetdevil
- Shiftable curtains by alverdine
- Shiftable shelves by alverdine
- Shiftable draft table sketches by sweetdevil
- More shiftables by heaven
- Shiftable fish trophies by chicken 0895
- Trophies fit on shelves by gesimz
- Plants fit on shelves by enable_llamas
- Toys fit on shelves by MonoChaos
- Horse trophies fit on shelves by KVRadiation
- Generations frilly painting fix by heaven
- Generations family photo fix by ThomasRiordan
- Brass bed fix by armiel
- Pets ranch painting fix by HugeLunatic
- Stray gnomes fix by CyberBob78
- Pet tombstone shadow fix by MenaceMan44
- Stained glass door fix by HugeLunatic
- Blinds fix by MissionMan44
- Certificate reward fix by Fernweather
- Scarab bed fix by HugeLunatic
- Door light fix by plasticbox
Lighting/Environment Mods
Brntwaffles’ Frozen Inspired Lighting Mod
Enchanted Environment – Replaces the EA sun, moon, clouds, rainbow, stars, snow, frozen pond texture, and snowy footprints with much nicer versions.
Gameplay Mods
NRAAS– Multiple fixes and options for the game. I use almost all of NRAAS.
NRAAS Woohooer – This is a NSFW 18+ mod that is similar to TS4’s Whicked Whims – not for the faint of heart. Also available above, but deserves special mention.