[gallery columns="2" link="none" size="full" ids="4884,4885,4886,4887"] Download the rugs here: Rugs (direct download)

[gallery columns="2" link="none" size="full" ids="4884,4885,4886,4887"] Download the rugs here: Rugs (direct download)
I’ve been a Sims 2 player since the game came out (or at least, shortly after because the game was expensive at first, and then my mom had to upgrade our computer back in the day to a whopping 20gb...Read More
While I'm not really a Sims 3 fan over-all (I find it the ugliest game ever made to be honest just a note I was being dramatic here; I simply have not toyed enough with Sims 3 defaults), I did...Read More
I've been toying with the idea of an East Hampton sims neighborhood for a while. In-fact, I had already made a rudimentary vacation version, but the lack of skyboxes to match weren't up to my standards (ie. I wanted a...Read More
How to Download/Acquire The Sims 2 There is no legal way to digitally purchase the Sims 2. It is considered abandonware, and thus the ethics of downloading are murky. But that said, the game is amazing, and EA would be...Read More
A very long list of defaults. Barely sorted, my apologies. I'm too tired for that. Maybe someday... I'm also considering doing a few of my own defaults for furniture and stuff, but that's not going to happen just yet, so...Read More
Follow the full Pleasantview stories here. For those of you who don't remember, I resurrected most of the Goth family, and my Pleasantview timeline of ages can be found here. Post divorce, Mortimer is devastated by the news of his...Read More
One thing that's always been the absolute bane of my existence is installing Sims2pack files. The Multi-Sims2Pack Installer Created by Tashiketh solves this problem entirely by installing multiple packs at once. To use it, all you have to do is...Read More
Bella's finally come back to town... and she's out for blood... or is it money she's after? (View the rest of the story here). After not hearing from Bella in over a year, Mortimer is shocked when divorce papers show...Read More
PC & MAC Entering codes on PC and Mac are different since instead of using the cheat gnome you put in a combination of keys to display the cheat console. You enter the codes in the console to active their...Read More