
It's Wednesday afternoon, the day before the American holiday of Thanksgiving & Moira is spending the afternoon much as usual. First, she picks Portia up from school. They stop at the park so Portia can play on the rockers.

While Portia is playing, Moira pops into the market & picks up some fresh vegetables for dinner.

Moira makes dinner while Portia does her homework.

Moira often has dinner alone with Portia. Bill & Mercedes very often don't return home until late in the evening. Tonight, they will be coming home early & taking Portia to visit her grandmother in San Diego for the holiday weekend. For the first time since she was hired by the Arthags, Moira will be alone in the giant estate (well, alone except for the butler, maid & gardener, who all treat her as though she doesn't exist) & have her time completely to herself.

As soon as the Arthags leave for their holiday weekend, Moira heads out to Venice Beach. She has a great time trying on bathing suits & when she gets hungry she decides to find a pizza place. Though she's usually very shy, Moira works up the courage to ask someone where she can get some pizza.

Coby leads her to the food court & hangs around while she eats. Coby's demeanour & accent are right out of a surfer movie. He tells her he loves her accent. Moira finds him kind of charming. He invites her up to the tiki bar for a drink.

Moira was thinking of getting a drink herself. Coby tells Moira about snowboarding & his upcoming competition. Moira tells him about being an au pair for the Arthag family. Her real love is cooking & she'd like to have her own restaurant someday.