
Moira's approach relieves some of the tension: Mercedes no longer has to look at them. But she does look at them, at Justin, because she can't take her eyes off him, knowing he's standing so close. She can't pay attention to what Moira is saying: she wants to hear what sweet words Justin murmurs to his girl....How? Mercedes continues to wonder...Why?

Justin turns to her suddenly, glaring angrily, silently demanding she leave his presence. Of course that kind of thing only makes her want him more...It has to be the money, Mercedes thinks. He's sharp, no doubt he's thinking of his future: an heiress like Eleanor is the perfect prey, he's obviously romanced her dull little head right off, got her around his fingers. She's been cut off from her family's money, but her trust fund is more wealth than Justin has probably ever seen in his life. He must mean to marry her while she's poor, and then he'll be set for life once she comes into her inheritance. Mercedes smiles as realizes she's finally been given the means to get what she wants from Justin.

Mercedes pries herself away from the couple, to find her husband has taken the stage. He does it so often, it has transcended embarassing to become routine. At least, Mercedes thinks, the man she married is so wealthy & powerful that when he makes a public spectacle of himself, everyone tells him he's wonderful & kisses his ass, no matter what they think about his performance.

Mercedes has Justin on her mind tonight, she's not in the mood for romancing from Bill.

"Not tonight, I'm just too worn out," she says.

Bill knows what she likes, and he tries to be forceful. Mercedes gives into his little show of strength, pretending to herself she actually has got a man like Justin.