
After the weekly anti-war vigil in front of the Bechtel office, Luz & Heather decide to get a drink in Santa Monica

Heather tells her about some guy who fixed her van & who she's dating now. She can't figure him out, she says. Luz isn't particularly interested in figuring men out, but she feels for Heather.

Luz tells Heather about Kelly, and how she's gorgeous but a completely uninterested in anything important. They agree it is a bummer that relationships aren't easier. Luz is mostly bummed that Heather is straight: she's had a little crush on her since they met at the anti police violence rally. But Luz puts that thought out of her head: she's had too many bad experiences with straight girls who want to 'experiment' & then dump you for some guy. When she gets home, she calls Kelly & invites her to meet her after work tomorrow.

Luz sits down for some oxygen at the end of her shift at the spa. To breathe clean air is truly a luxury! Luz has been distracted all day, anticipating seeing Kelly this evening. Why is she so crazy about this girl?

Luz meets Kelly in the cafe & she tells her she'd like to buy a computer & check out the internet.

Luz has no interest in computers, really.