Alison is all attentiveness & romance from the moment they move in together. Kelly had been nervous about it, afraid she didn't know well Alison well enough, afraid of what Luz had said about her. But nothing like what Luz warned of has come to pass.
Alison has explained to her how she won't be home much during the filming, Kelly understands that. She'd like to have a job as important as Alison's herself. Kelly misses Alison during the lonely evenings, but she uses the time to take classes in animal care.
Luz calls her, saying she has good news about a job, and invites Kelly to dinner. Luz wants to go to an Indian place...Kelly will try anything once. She's here more to hear about the job than to eat anyway. Luz of course knows everything on the menu and points out what is vegetarian to her. "I know a vet who is opening his own practice in Mar Vista," she tells Kelly, "He needs an intern. To help with medical records & animal grooming. I talked to him at a rally yesterday & he says he will take you on. If you do well & like it there, it could actually become a full time assistant job. What do you think?" Kelly thinks that great! A job in a vet's office is exactly what she's looking for. An internship, however, would mean very low pay for a time, lower even than what she makes working for Grok. Not enough to pay her share of the rent & bills. "Luz, I would love to do this, but I have to talk to Alison first..." she says, sad to have to admit her dependence.
"I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day Alison moved in with anyone," Luz says, rolling her eyes. "Don't play with me, Luz. Tell me what she did that makes you call her the devil...." Kelly insists. Luz laughs throatily, shaking her head. "No way. You'll go home & go to bed with her & tell her 'Luz told me blah blah blah'. You are with her now & I'm staying out of that..." and she laughs again.
Of course Alison doesn't get home until Kelly is fast asleep. It is over breakfast that Kelly explains about the internship, how it could be excellent training & experience for her, but very little pay. "I wouldn't really be able to make my share of the rent," she finishes, sighing sadly at the end. She so much wanted to be an equal partner in this relationship, but this apartment is way beyond her current means. "Kelly, you were the one that insisted on paying half the rent in the first place...you don't have to pay at all as far as I'm concerned. I make more than enough to cover it." Kelly sighs, "I don't want to be dependent on you Alison," she says, "Like I was dependent on my husband..."
Alison gets up & comes around to hoist Kelly off her chair & look her in the eyes. "Baby, you've got an opportunity to do what you want in life. Don't let some crap like that stop you. You're not 'dependent' on me, I'm just handling the rent for now. Okay?"
It was a rhetorical question, Alison grabs her face & kisses her, hard & passionate. "I wish I could stay & celebrate with you, Kelly, baby, but I've got to run," she says, turning to throw one last wistful smile at Kelly as she disappears out the door. Kelly cleans up the breakfast dishes & calls Luz & tells her she'll take that internship.