
The next day is Heather's date with Ulises at Medieval Times MagicCastle Fun Park. Ulises doen't have Frankie's great hair & strong chin, but he has way better taste in clothes, and he's totally buff.
At dinner, she tells him about her slipping transmission & he tells her he's been fixing cars since before he could drive. Heather is becoming more certain Ulises is the one Serena said would be coming to fix her car problems. (restaurant by Sim Freaks)
He's a really great dancer, he likes the Dead & he isn't all grabby like Frankie. He asks her to Venice Beach with him Sunday afternoon. Heather loves Venice, so she agrees right away.
Before she climbs into bed, Heather gazes at her Colorado snowglobe souvenir & remembers her beautiful romance with Frankie. It seems so shallow to dis a guy because he wears an ugly belt buckle & his jeans tucked into his cowboy boots. And he does have that beautiful long hair....
While Heather gardens, she ponders, Frankie or Ulises? Ulises or Frankie?
Well, it's not like she can't date them both for awhile & see what happens. The important thing is to get her transmission fixed. (Depression era canning station by Ines' Sim Bakery)