
During the reception, Heather makes a special point of thanking Ulises' aunt Josefina, for raising such a wonderful man.

Well, he is pretty wonderful. Heather thinks so, anyway.

And all the little cousins are so cute!

Heather knows Luz had some misgivings about her marriage, so she's glad her friend agreed to come to the wedding.

With Heather & Ulises, dancing always leads to kissing, and then to lovemaking, but right now they still have guests...Heather resumes entertaining her old friends & her new family, until night falls...

and finally she & Ulises can share one dance in the moonlight before heading off to bed, husband & wife. Tomorrow, they go on their honeymoon.

Director's Commentary: Heather & Ulises' wedding dress & tuxedo by Pronup Sims (special thanks to Ashaunda for the tip!), wedding balloons & flower displays by Sims T. Parlour, Floral arch by Elegant Sim Fashions. (there was an arch to match the STP set, but I couldn't find it while I was setting up: either I missed it while downloading, or I didn't look hard enough, lol. So I used the one I had at hand.) Tables & punch bowl are from The Sims House Party, and the appetizers are Around the Sims. Event control chairs by Sim Logical allow you to force your guests to sit & stay seated through a ceremony, and the Leisure plant from that site satisfies all motives except hunger, social & fun, so guests don't clog up the bathroom, get stinky or pee on the floor. I removed the fridge & other kitchen items to keep guests from helping themselves. The Gutierrez family (Ulises' family): Abuela (grandmother), Josefina, Carlos, Carlos Jr, his wife Teresa & their 3 children, Ephraim, Isabel & Maria Teresa, live in the Create a Family screen, aka Port Hueneme, Ventura County. They can be summoned at will using the Sim Logical Event Controller or summoner bush, as needed.