
He tells her the other girl is "Nobody." It's not much of an explanation, & Heather is heartbroken that he isn't being entirely truthful with her. But she knows very well that people often have very important reasons to be cagey with even the people they love, so she's holding onto the hope that the other girl really is 'nobody', until she can find out for sure. She knows he's trying to change the subject when he invites her on a holiday, anywhere she wants, he says, but she goes along with it. The time alone together could really help her sort out their relationship. She kisses him good night before she leaves, & reminds him about Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Heather's Mom married Coby's Dad a few years after they moved to L.A. Now they are divorced & Heather's Mom is working for Doctors without Borders in Liberia, Coby's Dad spends holidays with his new wife's family, so Heather, Amber & Coby are on their own for holidays. Ulises fits harmoniously into Heather's small family circle. Both active So. Cal. guys with lots of surfing experience, Ulises & Coby get along real well with each other. Amber's always loved her Uncle Coby & she also seems to be very fond of Ulises. Heather is able to let her doubts & fears fade away for awhile while she enjoys her domestic tranquility.

No family gathering at Heather's is complete with a good soak in the hot tub. She's sunk a lot of simoleons into this thing, but she feels it has really paid off. Coby says he going to Colorado for another snowboarding competition & invites her & Ulises to watch. Heather would like to kick Coby right now...he pays no attention to anything happening around him & is completely oblivious to the fact that Frankie works at the lodge his competition is being held at. Of course Ulises offers to take her to Colorado right away, because she still hasn't decided where she does want to go...well, she doesn't want to deal with seeing Frankie at this point, & she says she doesn't want to go to Colorado, she'd rather go to Mexico or up north to the Bay area

As Coby is heading off, Heather gives him some herbs...he's family, so he doesn't have to pay.

Wow, Ulises drops her into the most passionate kiss he's ever given her...maybe tonight she'll let her have some quality time with his awesome physique.

Bye, Coby!

At last, Heather thinks, and melts into Ulises arms. He asks her where she wants to go on their trip. She can't answer that now, she knows she wants it to be special & she wants to think on it overnight. So he kisses her good night. Heather sighs as she watches him leave, and she decides she wants to have a beach holiday somewhere, something guaranteed to inspire romance & passion. As she goes to bed, she makes up her mind to dream about where she wants to go.