
Heather heads down to Hollywood while Amber is at school. While she's blowing bubbles at Psyche Delia's, Adam, an actor/model she knows from yoga class wants to talk to her. (walls by Candace's Sim Bazaar)

He's got an audition later for a Ray Ban commerial & he's nervous. Does Heather have any of her soothing herbal remedy? (recolored bubbler by Carrot Stuff)

Heather is always ready with her herbal remedies.

Heather runs into her friend Luz next.

Heather met Luz at an anti police violence rally a few months ago & since then they've hung out together at lots of peace rallies. (clothing racks by The Well Dressed Sim)

Luz needs some herbal tea to help with her meditation.

Heather hits the record store while she's in Hollywood. She hangs out for awhile browsing through the used cd bins before she grabs the new Bill Frisell Intercontinentals cd. By now she's getting pretty hungry & she decides to get some pizza. (music store w/npc by Fashion Show, deco by Around the Sims)