
Byron has completely blown off Serena now that he's with Odessa, but Alison will never forget the way he looked at her. Not at all like when he looks at Odessa, the love she saw in his eyes when he looked at Serena was real, his kiss was natural. Everything about the way he looks at and interacts with Odessa is unnatural, like he's been hypnotized. She hasn't quite gotten through to him by engaging his pride as a director, so she calls on Serena again to talk about it, get some help.

"I've never seen him like this & I've seen him with everyone of his famous girlfriends. He treated them all like shit, all the time. This thing with Odessa is not like him. He's pathetic, and it's just wrong," Alison tells Serena, wishing she knew more about the woman's relationship with Byron before Odessa showed up.

Her wish comes true in a New York minute, Serena tells her the whole story right there: She & Byron were teenage lovers who drifted apart. He was making moves to pick the relationship up again when Odessa showed up. Now Serena has made friends with Odessa's ex-lover, who wants her back & they've teamed up to try to get their lovers back. They just need Alison's help to get in to see them. Starring Rock Hudson & Doris Day, Alison thinks as she rolls her eyes & laughs. It's a weak plot, Alison thinks she can manage it easily enough. It will be easy enough to get them on set, the difficulty is getting Byron in a position where he can't just walk away from whatever Serena has got planned. Alison promises to work something out.