
Once she & Kelly get settled in their new apt, Alison doesn't have long to enjoy it before "The Sandman" Season of Mists" gets into pre-production. On her last day off, Alison spends some time by the pool, only to discover one of her neighbors is Astrid, an old 'girlfriend', more of a fling really, an actress who was a bit player on a movie she was working on. "Do you still work for Byron Palisades?' Astrid asks. "My agent got me an audition for his next film tomorrow." The best thing about Hollywood people is you can still face them after your affair is over: nobody burns their bridges, everyone always remains civil, though phony. Alison is able to chat with Astrid about the upcoming shoot & wish her luck in the audtition, promising to put in a good word for her. It won't even be uncomfortable working with her on set if she gets the part, it's like they never slept together at all. Alison does mention how she just moved in with her new girlfriend, just so they are all clear on that account.

This is Alison's first day of work since moving in with Kelly. Knowing how long she'll be gone & how tired she'll be every night when she comes in always later than midnight, she makes a point of being very loving & romantic before she takes off.

Alison doesn't have to lie about enjoying Astrid's performance. She was always a great actress. And she's up for the part of 'Death' in this pic, which she is perfect for. Byron seems very enthusiastic about her. He's been insisting on getting all unknown actors for the roles in this film, fighting the studio tooth and nail, because they want stars. But Byron has found his lead actor, some guy he met in a cafe & he can't stop going on about him. "He's perfect Alison, wait until you see him!" Alison imagines she's not going to be all that impressed, she just hopes he can actually act & more important, he can handle himself on set. When Byron then goes on to tell her his new lead actor is insisting on having his own costume designer & that Alison has to get her set up & into the union, she just rolls her eyes. That's the kind of childish shit she expects from a big star, not from some unkown. She hopes Byron knows what he's getting them all into...

So Alison gets the ball rolling, calls this designer, tells her to come down to the studio. And then she has to inform the studio, they are hiring a new costume person at the whim of Byron's new 'star'. They love this kind of crap as much as Alison does. But Byron is one of their biggest directors & they coddle him, probably more than is good for him.

At least this designer, Shay, is a likable person & seems knowledgeable about her craft & eager to get started. Alison was expecting the worst...maybe this will work out, she decides, while she gets Shay set up with the union stuff & the paper work, and gives her copies of the comic book pages Byron handed her to base the designs on.

She runs into Astrid outside the office. "I got the part!" she exclaims, hugging Alison. Well, that's a good thing. At least she'll be working with one bona fide professional on this shoot.