Bella Goth is Back With a Vengeance
Bella’s finally come back to town… and she’s out for blood… or is it money she’s after? (View the rest of the story here).
After not hearing from Bella in over a year, Mortimer is shocked when divorce papers show up at his door.
Mortimer thinks about how Bella disappeared, and considers the idea of a divorce and finalizing this chapter of his life.
A few weeks later, the court case begins. Most of this is standard procedure and talks of assets… near the end of the case, however, things get really juicy. Arriving at court, Mortimer asks Bella why she’s doing this… why she left him?
The court session begins…
Bella takes the stand and accuses Mortimer of physical, financial, and emotional abuse. She claims that she was never allowed to work, and that Mortimer controlled all of their assets. Running away was her only option.
The court asks if there is anybody to corroborate these claims, and shockingly, Dr. Don Lothario takes the stand to testify. He says Bella came to his house scared and bruised the night of her disappearance. He helped her escape town.
Mortimer is horrified by the accusations, but his outburst isn’t helpful by any measure. The judge threatens to throw Mortimer in contempt if he doesn’t stop shouting.
After much deliberation, the court decides to award Bella Goth the family home half of their financial holdings, and Mortimer Goth the family businesses, vacation home, and half of their financial holdings.
Mortimer is horrified and devastated by the loss of his newly renovated home.
Arriving home… Bella is not as happy as you might expect a woman who recieved a fortune to be. Could her story about Mortimer be true, or was this all just a clever con?
Courthouse is from this Stoneyville pack on TSR.