[ALPHA] SmoothJazz 13-0126-2036 - 26th January 2013 by peter

This is a tool for editing Sims 3 JAZZ resources, which are involved in animations.

With many thanks to TigerM - who has moved on from simming and has kindly donated his source code to the community, which forms the origin of this tool.

So keep your previous version handy and do let me know if there are any problems -- and, more importantly, if everything works.

SmoothJazz_13-0126-2036.exe: Windows Easy Installer version

SmoothJazz_13-0126-2036.7z: Unpack-It-Yourself version

I found a tutorial related to making Jazz scripts here: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorial:Sims_3_Custom_Animations - Inge

Full change history: SmoothJazz-ReleaseNotes.txt.

Change Summary
Package handling code updated to handle indexes better.
JazzFormatter, JazzBase and ActionBase changes to prevent recursion getting lost in loops.

Previous change summary:
Fix Help link from installer to point to Simlogical.
Respin for Seasons.
Add generic CLIP name to results of Hash Lookup.
Open JAZZ form: Display missing names in "standard" hex format.
New form to look up "real" CLIPs for a given generic CLIP.
Toolbar widget to display generic CLIP IID for selected text and list any matching "real" CLIP names found.
Also major reorganisation of the source to make it easier to follow.
(Respin to pick up latest GameFolders.xml with new packs.)
Oops: display the actor name for non-basegame Props (not the group number!).
Change source code file extension from ".jazz" (used for binaries exported from .package files) to ".tigerjazz".
Use CopyableMessageBox to ask whether Package or Script is wanted for Save.
Re-organise the File menu.
Add some protection for unselected tab code in a couple of places.
Plus ça change... (Respin for Showtime - just extends the file table, really.)
Bug fix: prevent misformatting and misparsing of floating point values.
Don't open a console window.
Add s3pi references.
Add splash screen.
Get lexer/parser generation working again (after I broke it).
Improve lexer error messages.
Rename SmoothJazz.JazzData.Play to JazzPlayAnimationNode to match s3pi name (others will follow suit).
Parser: Add usings and reduce code volume.
Parser: Use s3pi FNV64CLIP for CLIP IIDs.
Parser: Fix parsing of Resource Key values.
Parser: Rename CatalogReference to PropReference (as it's a Prop resource).
Parser: Require correct resource type for Prop, CLIP and TkMk resource keys.
Always use hex for Prop IIDs.
KeyNameMap: Delete weird stuff.
KeyNameMap: Use s3pi FNV32 and FNV64 hash routines.
Add sims3tools build system to SmoothJazz.
Remove "Unused variable" warning in JazzReader.
Use s3pi "CreateAssemblyVersion".
Switch to PortableSettingsProvider.
Add sims3tools-style AutoUpdate feature.
Support multiple EPs and SPs through s3pi Filetable.

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