[PC] Walker and Playpen Reset Workaround **OBSOLETE** Do Not Use by Nona Mena

THIS MOD IS NOW CONSIDERED OBSOLETE. This mod will no longer be supported, though you are free to continue using it if you like it so much.

GET THE FIX HERE: [PC] FIX for Walker and Playpen Reset Bug

This mod provides a workaround for the bug affecting the Walker and Playpen premium content objects from the Sims 3 Store. Since patch 1.63, the walker and the playpen no longer function properly and cause the toddler to reset. This happens when the toddler uses one of the following interactions: Play with Abacus (playpen), Play with Mirror (playpen) or Play (Walker) and has already achieved the "maximum" skill level allowed for the object/interaction (Logic: 3, Charisma: 3, Handiness 2, respectively).

This mod removes the skill gain from the following interactions: Play with Abacus (playpen, logic), Play with Mirror (playpen, charisma), Play (walker, handiness). This means your sims will no longer be able to gain any logic, charisma or handiness skill points from these objects. Your sim will still be able to learn to talk and learn to walk on their own, but if you want them to learn logic, charisma, or handiness, you'll need to use NRaas MasterController or another mod  to assign the skill to them.

I did try to fix this problem with a script mod, and I even tried to fix the problem by unhiding the skills for toddlers in the Skill XMLs, but none of it worked. I know that this work around will remove some of the usefulness of the premium content, but at least your toddlers will be able to use their walkers and playpens without resetting.

Note: You MUST have the Head Start Playpen or the Local Motion Toddler Walker (or both) from the Sims 3 Store in order for this mod to work. It will NOT add the objects to your game.

Important Details:
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.

Nona_PlaypenWalkerResetWorkaround | (mirror)

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