All Careers Available In the Future by Gurra

This mod is now primarily hosted at ModTheSims:

For some reason EA thought that in the future everybody who is not unemployed are either astronomers or work at the bot arena. Well, I don't think that's right... and that's why I made this mod which enables all EA rabbithole careers to be taken also in Oasis Landing - as long as its rabbithole is placed in the future world.

This mod is tested and compatible with patches 1.63-1.67. It doesn't need any EP to be installed but is very much useless to install if you don't play Into the Future. :)

This mod is incompatible with other mods that makes edits to the Careers XML file. However, it does not conflict with custom-made careers like my Xtreme career.


To make your own custom careers future enabled, check out this tutorial:

Click here to go to original support thread...