Store Dried Food Interaction by Nona Mena

This mod adds a set of interactions to all treasure chests that will allow you to easily move custom edible food (dried food) to and from chests.

This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.

Important Details:


There are four interactions available with this mod.

Store DriedFood In Inventory
Store DriedFood On Lot
Transfer DriedFood to Family Inventory
Transfer DriedFood To Inventory

Additional Credits: Inge Jones, Orangemittens, twallan, treeag, all custom edible food creators. Hot dog stand pictured above available at Around The Sims 3.

Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.

Nona_StoreDriedFood_V1 | (mirror)

Strings for translators - ONLY for translators (mirror)

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