Store Dried Food Interaction by Nona Mena
This mod adds a set of interactions to all treasure chests that will allow you to easily move custom edible food (dried food) to and from chests.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- Does not require any expansion packs.
- This mod was built with patch 1.42. May work with earlier patch levels but this is untested.
- This is a pure script mod and the chance of conflicts with any other mod is as good as zero.
- This mod works with Sandy's various chest objects at Around The Sims 3, used with her custom food sets.
- This mod works with ani's Shop from Inventory mod (and is quite useful when combined with her mod)
- This mod works with treeag's Storage box and Treasure Box.
- This mod works with with all custom edible food (from Around The Sims 3, One Billion Pixels, etc., and also my Custom Edible Food script)
There are four interactions available with this mod.
Store DriedFood In Inventory- Only available when a sim has dried food (custom edible food) in their inventory.
- All dried food will immediately be moved from the sim's inventory to the treasure chest's inventory.
Store DriedFood On Lot- Only available when dried food is present on the lot.
- Sim must be on the same lot as the treasure chest.
- All dried food on the lot will immediately be moved to the treasure chest's inventory.
Transfer DriedFood to Family Inventory- Only available when a sim has dried food in the family inventory (buy mode).
- All dried food in the family inventory will immediately be moved to the treasure chest's inventory.
Transfer DriedFood To Inventory- Only available when a treasure chest has dried food in its inventory
- All dried food in the treasure chest's inventory will immediately be transferred to the sim's inventory
- All interactions cannot be used on treasure chests with treasure data (i.e. tomb chests)
- Interactions are not applied to Buzzler's Box of Seeds (There is no conflict. You can use this mod alongside Buzzler's mods)
- Although treeag's Storage box can be placed in the inventory, these interactions are not available when the box is in the sim's inventory
Additional Credits: Inge Jones, Orangemittens, twallan, treeag, all custom edible food creators. Hot dog stand pictured above available at Around The Sims 3.
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Nona_StoreDriedFood_V1 | (mirror)
Strings for translators - ONLY for translators (mirror)