[GEN] Stroller Tweak: No Energy Strolls for Toddlers by Nona Mena
This is a simple XML Tuning mod which tweaks the motive deltas for toddlers when using the Go On Stroll interaction. Energy will decay at a normal rate for the toddler while on a stroll.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- This mod requires the Sims 3 Generations Expansion Pack. Using it without Generations should not have any effect on your game, but it will be a totally useless waste of space.
- This mod was built with patch 1.31 and is compatible with all 1.3x level patches.
- Due to its simplicity, this mod may not necessarily require an update after major patches. It’s always best to check in, though.
- This mod is NOT compatible with any other mod that alters the Stroller+GoOnStrollSocial_0x04c21f636755fee7 resource in the GameplayData.package.
- I am not currently aware of any mod that alters this resource.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
If you would like another flavor of this mod (faster energy decay, different relationship change etc.), please feel free to ask.
NonaMena_NoEnergyStroll | (mirror)
Please report any issues you experience with this mod.