Sims 1 Downloads
All user-made objects are potentially risky to your game. It is good practice to use a spare neighbourhood with Simmies you don't care about for testing new downloads when you first get them; and keep another spare unplayed neighbourhood for overwriting the test neighbourhood if it starts to crash frequently. Even if an object works fine in most people's games, I can't guarantee it won't crash yours if you have something set up differently.
Sims 1 Expansion Pack Issues
The downloads on this site were created on a setup with all Expansion Packs including Makin' Magic, and due to major changes in the game engine between HP and HD, I cannot give meaningful support to players with setups earlier than Hot Date or Deluxe. If reading this, you want to add just one EP in order to use simlogical objects, I suggest Makin' Magic. That's because the core of the game is at its most stable and powerful in the final release, and you can get the greatest control with it, especially the visitor control.
The objects on this site, unless otherwise stated, are designed for use on residential lots. Many of them will work on locations such as Downtown too, but I cannot specifically support you with any problems arising from use on locations. User-to-user support on such matters however is welcomed in the forums.
How to install Simlogical Sims1 downloads
Look to see if there is a .txt file in the zip that might give you any special instructions. If there are none, then take any .iff or .far files out of the zip and put them in Maxis\The Sims\Downloads. You can make a folder called "simlogical" inside Downloads if you want, but don't keep the folders that your unzipper made.
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