[PC] Grandpa's Grove Tractor is More Efficient by Nona Mena

This mod increases the number of harvestables Grandpa's Grove Tractor can harvest per use, making it more efficient. With EA tuning, the tractor can only harvest up to 25 harvestables per use. This mod increases the limit to 200 or 400.
Note: You MUST have the Grandpa's Grove Tractor from the Sims 3 Store in order for this mod to work. It will NOT add the item to your game.
Important Details:
- Again, this requires the Grandpa's Grove Tractor Premium Content Item from the Sims 3 Store to be installed in your game, or it will do absolutely nothing.
- No expansion packs required.
- This mod was built with patch 1.67, but is compatible with any patch level that can run Grandpa's Grove Tractor.
- Due to its simplicity, this mod may not necessarily require an update after major patches. It’s always best to check in, though.
- This XML tuning mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the tuning XML for Grandpa's Grove tractor. This XML has the instance ID: 0x96B1D95104D98668.
- I do not currently know of any other mods that alter this game resource.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
- Place in your Mods\Packages folder in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 (see Setting up Mods Framework)
- Delete the scriptcache.package in Documents\Electronics\The Sims 3
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Additional Credits: Special thanks to user Monimoni for testing for me.
Use only one!
Nona_GrandpasGroveTractor_200.zip - Tractor can harvest up to 200 harvestables per use | (mirror)
Nona_GrandpasGroveTractor_400.zip - Tractor can harvest up to 400 harvestables per use | (mirror)