CaSTable RabbitHole Replacements -- FINAL UPDATE Nov 16, 2014 by aussomedays
CaSTable Replacement RabbitHoles
For Your Town!
"Stary Community School" from Twinbrook
Click Image to Enlarge
It is now possible to add more variety to your town. Whether you are a creator or just a player who occasionally builds within an existing neighbourhood, these customisable rabbitholes will allow you to have more colour options when designing your town. If you stopped using the pre-made shells because the colours just never fit in with everything else, then these CaSTable alternatives will hopefully provide a solution to those of us who do still use the rabbithole shells from time to time.
Click HERE to see additional images
***UPDATE Oct 20, 2014
RESOLVED - Should now assemble properly when saving/placing lot with rabbit(s) to/from library bin and when exporting world from CAW after using Edit-In-Game mode to place rabbit(s) on lot.
RESOLVED - Recolours should now remain intact when using Edit-In-Game (CAW).
Important Note: These rabbithole objects will NOT override the original game rabbitholes. However, they do rely on resources from those originals in order to function. Therefore, you will need to have the correct corresponding object from the base game / expansion pack / stuff pack / store item already installed in your game.
**You can click HERE to check for any update information
Main RabbitHole Assembly Script **REQUIRED**
- This is the bad boy responsible for assembling all of the parts into a complete unit. It will get updated whenever new rabbitholes are added to the mix, and you will need to re-download and replace the copy in your mods/packages folder if and when you add new rabbitholes from this project to your game. Don't forget to delete the scriptCache.package file from your Sims 3 directory when you update in order for any new script changes to take effect.
Main RabbitHole Assembly Script ***UPDATED Nov 16, 2014***
**NOTE - These rabbitholes can be used in any combination. You can pick and choose whichever ones you want to use as long as you already have the appropriate originals. They all work independently of each other, and the one script above will assemble any and all.
Sunset Valley (BASE game)
China, Egypt, France (World Adventures)
Twinbrook (Ambitions)
Bridgeport (Late Night)
Continued in next post.......