How to make your custom careers future enabled by Gurra
By default, only two careers are available in the future world that came with Into the Future EP but it is actually quite easy to make other careers available in the future. If you are looking to play EA careers in the future, check out my mod here:
This guide will show you how to make your custom careers future enabled, which is easily done by editing your XMLs in s3pe.
First open your career package in s3pe, and locate your career's Careers XML file. I use my Xtreme career as an example and in my case it is named Xtreme.Careers. Right click it and choose Notepad.
In the XML file, locate the CareerList entry for your career, in my case it looks like this:
<FullClassName>Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Music, Sims3GameplaySystems</FullClassName>
To make it available as a career choice in the future, only this small snippet of code will have to be added within the CareerList tags:
This is what my career entry looks like after editing:
<FullClassName>Sims3.Gameplay.Careers.Music, Sims3GameplaySystems</FullClassName>
Now exit Notepad, commit changes and save your package. Your custom career should now be available in the future.