Super Hampers -- Automatic Laundry Pick Up (Plus Bigger Hampers) by Nona Mena
Super Hampers

Tired of your sims leaving their clothes all over the house? Is your click finger numb from dragging those 800 clothes piles to the hamper every sim hour (how do they have so many clothes that all look the same)? If so, prepare to rejoice. My new Super Hamper series will automagically collect all of your sims laundry without any effort on your part.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- This mod is base game compatible.
- The Super Hamper Script is base game compatible, but the hampers cloned from Ambitions, TLS and UL will require their respective EP/SP in order to be used.
- If you want to use a CC hamper with this mod you can either provide me a link to the CC hamper, so I can make an override for you, or you can make one yourself.
- This mod was built with patch 1.63. May work with earlier patch levels but I am unable to verify this.
- This is not a default replacement.
- This is a scripted object mod, and the chances of conflict are next to non-existent.
- Again, these hampers are brand new objects and not default replacements.
- This functionality is already present in Awesomemod, so you don't need this mod if you use AM. However, this is a brand new object, and it won't conflict with AM.
How to Use
The Super Hamper is super easy to use. Choose from one of 3 available models (or choose 2, or choose all 3) and place anywhere on your sim's home lot. Once every sim hour, the hamper will look for rogue laundry and gently collect it with super scientific magnet-tubey-thingies. Your sims laundry will be unharmed and safe at home in the laundry bin.
It is safe to place more than one Super Hamper on your lot, however, this is unnecessary and I do not recommend it. You can, of course, place as many normal hampers as you like on your lot alongside your Super Hamper.
The Super Hampers can be found in the buy catalog in the same place you find the normal hampers.
- Download the Super Hamper Script below.
- Download at least one Super Hamper object, also below. You MUST download both the script and at least one object!
- Unzip and place the package files your Mods\Packages folder in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 (see Setting up Mods Framework)
- Delete the scriptcache.package in Documents\Electronics\The Sims 3
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Super Hamper Script - You must download this.
Nona_SuperHamperScript - You must download this! | (mirror)
Super Hampers - You must download at least one of these. You can also download and use all three.
NonaMena_SuperHamper_Ambitions - Cloned from the Ambitions hamper and requires Ambitions. | (mirror)
NonaMena_SuperHamper_TLS - Cloned from the Town Life Stuff hamper and requires Town Life Stuff. | (mirror)
NonaMena_SuperHamper_UL - Cloned from the University Life hamper and requires University Life.| (mirror)
Bigger Hampers
This XML tuning mod increases the amount of clothes a Hamper can take before being considered full.
Important Details:
- This mod does not require any expansion packs.
- This mod was built with patch 1.63 and may work for earlier patch levels, but I am unable to verify this..
- Due to its simplicity, this mod may not necessarily require an update after major patches. It’s always best to check in, though.
- This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the Hamper_0xb1ccd50c9063965b resource in the GameplayData.package.
- I do not currently know of any mods that conflict with this mod, but they probably do exist.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
- Place in your Mods\Packages folder in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 (see Setting up Mods Framework)
- Delete the scriptcache.package in Documents\Electronics\The Sims 3
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Choose only one flavor.
Nona_BiggerHamperx2 - Hamper can take up to 20 clothes piles (twice as much as EA tuning) | (mirror)
Nona_BiggerHamperx3 - Hamper can take up to 30 clothes piles (three times as much as EA tuning)| (mirror)
Nona_BiggerHamperx5 - Hamper can take up to 50 clothes piles (five times as much as EA tuning) | (mirror)
Nona_BottomlessHamper - Hamper can take up to 2000 clothes piles | (mirror)