Atkins family by Gurra

Apollo and Eric found each other in the Aurora Skies high school and have been a couple ever since. They were approved as adoptive parents a year ago and the love for their little kid Luna is endless. Now it's up to you to decide their upcoming life story.

Traits: Good Sense of Humor, Bookworm, Irresistible, Eco-Friendly, Hopeless Romantic
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon (Reach level 10 in the Medical career track)
Zodiac sign: Libra
Favorites: Geek Rock, Grilled Cheese, Sea Foam

Traits: Avant Garde, Daredevil, Artistic, Heavy Sleeper, Diva
LTW: Street Credible (Reach Level 10 of Street Art Skill, Create 7 Masterpiece Murals)
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Favorites: Songwriter, Cheesesteak, Orange

Traits: Excitable, Friendly
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Favorites: Disco, Ratatouille, Aqua
Apollo - Ambitions, Late Night, Showtime, Seasons, University Life, Outdoor Living Stuff, Master Suite Stuff
Eric - Late Night, Showtime, University Life, Master Suite Stuff, 70s 80s 90s Stuff
Luna - Store content (Pixie Bow)
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