Cecily Dragon by Gurra

Cecily Dragon was raised in a royal family as a servant. She always knew what to do and seemed happy with it. After all she is a genie, and a genie's purpose in life is to serve. But Cecily didn't want this life, she wanted to break free and live a life on her own. One night she met a magician in town when shopping for groceries and he knew how to break her bonds to the dusty old lamp that kept her in position. Finally, Cecily was able to do whatever she wanted to. Now it's up to you to let her.

Traits: Dislikes Children, Light Sleeper, No Sense of Humor, Over-Emotional, Supernatural Skeptic
LTW: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body (Master the Logic and Athletic skills)
Favorites: Aloo Masala Curry, Dark Wave, Black
Zodiac sign: Virgo

Expansions required: Showtime, Supernatural


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