Unprotect DLLs with sims3tools "Unprotect"! (Updated 7 Sep 2013) by Peter

This tiny utility implements the steps discussed over on MTS for updating the EA Sims3 Assemblies so that programmers have access to otherwise unavailable services.  For a full description, please refer to that thread.  If you are not developing your own game scripts, you will not need this.

The tool is a simple executable.  Uncompress it somewhere that you can then drop extracted game DLLs onto it.  When you do, it will do its work: the dropped DLL will be preserved as a .bak, with the unprotected DLL in its place.  You can do more than one at once, too!

The compressed exe archive is here: Unprotect_13-0907-2003.7z

Whilst the exe has been tested on Win7 and Win8, if you hit problems, you may want to try working out what's wrong -- it's a really simple program!  Any fixes gratefully appreciated.

The source archive is here: Unprotect-Source_13-0907-2003.7z

On SourceForge, the source is here: http://sourceforge.net/p/sims3tools/code, then folder "trunk/Unprotect".

Change Log

13-0907-2003 rev: 1191
Avoid unprotecting Callback fields that will also have add_{name}/remove_{name} specialname methods.

13-0904-2018 rev: 1190
Add registry location for .Net on 32bit Windows.  Thanks to aussomedays for getting this sort out.  Please let me know if it's broken anything for anyone else...

--- older:
13-0810-1228 rev: 1187
Avoid unprotecting private event handler fields.

Click here to go to original support thread...