Extra Credit Homework V4 by Nona Mena
If your sim's kids are stuck bored at home all day due to snow days, sick days, or even holidays, give them something productive to do! With this mod, your sim kids can make up on missed school time by doing extra credit homework when they're not in school.
This mod adds a "Do Extra Credit Homework" interaction to all computers (including laptops) and MultiTabs in your game.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- No Expansion packs or Sims 3 Store objects required.
- This mod will not add the Sims 3 Store tablet PC (MultiTab 6000) to your game.
- The MultiTab 6000 is not required for this mod to work. If you do not own the MultiTab 6000, you simply won't be able to use the interaction on the MultiTab. Nothing bad will happen to your game.
- This mod was built with patch 1.42 and is compatible with 1.47. May be compatible with earlier patch levels but this is untested and unsupported.
- This is a pure script mod and, as such, the chance of this mod ever conflicting with any other mod is next to none.
- This mod will work with custom schools and home schooling available with Nraas Careers
- This mod is compatible with NRaas PocketProtector and NRaas OnceRead Tablet.
- This mod does not require my Meditate by Candlelight mod to work. If you do have my Meditate by Candlelight mod, your sims can gain an extra bonus to performance increase if they have the Meditative Energy moodlet.
Do Extra Credit Homework
- Available on all computers and MultiTabs.
- 3 Options: Do Extra Credit Indefinitely, for 2 Hours, or 4 Hours.
- The following buffs and traits will increase school performance gain:
- Power Study (from being at the Library)
- Meditative Focus (from Martial Arts meditating), Aroma Energy (Aromainator from Showtime), or Meditative Energy (Meditate by Candlelight mod). This bonus does not stack, so having more than one of these buffs will not further increase performance gain.
- Workaholic, Ambitious, Bookworm, Genius and Mulititasker (Lifetime Happiness Reward). The bonus from each of these does stack. Your ambitious, genius, multitasking, workaholic bookworm will have the best performance increase per hour.
- Increases the hidden homework skill
- Doing extra credit homework is an absolving action, so your sims will lose punishment points.
- Sims do get a bonus to performance increase if they do their extra credit on a MultiTab.
- Sims can't do extra credit if school is in session, or if school will be in session very soon
- Optional tuning is available for this mod: Download Nona_ExtraCreditHomework_OptionalTuning_V2.zip
- These interactions are not autonomous. You can alter the ITUN resources in the Nona_ExtraCreditHomework.package to make them autonomous if you want them to be autonomous. (or use NRaas Retuner)

Additional Credits: Twallan, Buzzler, Caterpillar.
CC & Mods in Picture (before you ask!)
Cherry PC by Morphead, available at TSR
Electronically Collect Deeds from NRaas StoryProgression + Expanded
Enroll in School from NRaas Careers + Schools
Online Center from JunJayMDM
Commission Upgrade from Moar Interactions by Buzzler
Translation Credits: heartSimSim (Swedish), zira (Italian)
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Nona_ExtraCreditHomework_V4 | (mirror)
Optional Tuning
Nona_ExtraCreditHomework_OptionalTuning_V2.zip - Contains default values. Unnecessary if you do not wish the change the mod's default settings. (mirror)
Strings for Translators - For translators ONLY. Download if you want to translate the mod to your language. (mirror)