More Food Deco by Zedrael by Zedrael
There are 6 zip files of food deco here:

You WILL need to download the dishes to use a lot of this food deco, or you get food without a plate or bowl. You need to place the dish first, then place the food on the dish. If you have a sim that's a total slob, then go ahead and just drop the food deco on the floor, it will go there.

All items pictured above are included in the zip files, except for the dishes, milk, the single egg & cutting board. These items are not edible food, only for decoration. They are found in buymode/deco/misc.
Download ALL 6 files to get everything:
Download Breakfast Food
Download Dinner Food 1
Download Dinner Food 2
Download Lunch Food
Download Raw Food
Download Sweets