Custom Edible Food: Six Raw Meats by Nona Mena
Are your Werewolves tired of hunting so much? Do your Vampires need a change from Plasma Juice, Plasma Juice, More Plasma Juice, and the occasional Plasma Fruit? Give your supernaturals (or even your particularly blood thirsty mortals) a change of pace with these nutritious raw meats.
Note: You must have my Custom Food Script Mod for these foods to function at all. You will not be able to use these foods without my mod.
These objects are compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
This pack of custom edible food contains six different raw meats:
- Raw Chicken
- Raw Steak
- Raw Fish
- Raw Pork Chop
- Raw Liver
- Raw Heart
Important Details:- Again, these objects require my Custom Food Script mod, or they will not work in your game.
- These objects do not require any Expansion or Stuff Packs.
- Built with patch 1.42.
- Cost: ยง6 each
- Found in Buy Mode > Sort by Function > Appliances > Miscellaneous Appliances.
- These objects provide four custom moodlets (requires Custom Food Script mod) for your sims!
- These all natural Raw Meats come from organically raised sims and animals, free of pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones and preservatives
- Do not feed to vegetarians.
- Place the objects in your Mods\Packages folder or wherever you keep your mods.
- Place Collection_Nona_RawMeats.package in Collections\User if you wish to use the collection file in game.
- Download and install the Custom Food Script mod in Mods\Packages.
Note: If you want your non-Vampires and non-Werewolves to be able to eat the raw meats, download and install the optional NonaEdibleFood_RawMeatForAll_Tuning available with my Custom Food Script mod.
Additional Credits: Cmo, for meshing the objects for me. Thank you, cmo! Sandy @ ATS3 for first sharing how she made her own custom edible food. TFM for coming up with the idea of hearts and livers and Vampires. Also, many thanks to Inge, Consort, SimsLover, OM, a, and Bloom for always providing me with input.

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