[SN] No Autonomous Conjure Apple by Nona Mena

This mod removes autonomy from the Conjure Apple interaction, available to Witches in the Sims 3 Supernatural. Your sims will not use the Conjure apple interaction autonomously when you install this mod.

This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.

Important Details:
Although this mod exists elsewhere, I decided to make the mod myself. I prefer not to have to redirect others to another forum to get some functionality that they may like to use alongside my Deadly Poisoned Appled mod. You can use either my mod or blue's mod alongside my Deadly Poisoned Apple mod. It really does not matter which, just choose one or the other.

Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.

Note: When you install this mod for the first time, delete the scriptcache.package before starting your game.

Nona_NoAutoConjureApple | (mirror)

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