[SN] No Autonomous Eat Poisoned Apple (also Safe Actives) by Nona Mena
This mod prevents your sims from eating poisoned apples autonomously. This mod can also prevent only your active sims from eating a poisoned apple.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- This mod requires the Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack.
- This mod requires patch level 1.63.
- Due to its simplicity, this mod may not necessarily require an update after major patches. It’s always best to check in, though.
- This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters the PoisonedAppleEat_PoisonedApple resource in the GameplayData.package.
- As of writing this, I do not currently know of any other mods that do this.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
Please report any problems that you encounter with this mod.
Use only one flavor!
Nona_NoAutoEatPoisonedApple | (mirror)
Nona_ActiveSimsDontEatPoisonedApple - Nonactive sims can eat the Poisoned Apple autonomously, but active sims cannot use the interaction at all.| (mirror)