[SN] Deadly Poisoned Apple - Don't Eat Me! by Nona Mena
This is a modded (scripted) object which replaces EA’s Poisoned Apple, conjured by Witches in Supernatural, with a Deadly Poisoned Apple. This new poisoned apple will kill your sims if they eat it, so be careful!
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details
- This mod requires The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion pack.
- Built with patch 1.38 and is not compatible with any patch level before patch 1.38.
- This mod overrides the applePoisoned OBJK resource found in the FullBuild package for Supernatural. This mod will conflict with any other mod that overrides this resource.
- This mod has no known conflicts.
- Your sim will die from starvation after eating the Poisoned Apple. While I did try to make the death type more interesting, death by starvation had the best animation and is actually kind of funny.
- Children do not die from eating a Poisoned Apple. Their innocence protects them, or something.
- This mod uses EA’s ITUN for tuning. If you don’t want your sims to eat the apple autonomously, you’ll need a mod that alters the PoisonedAppleEat_PoisonedApple ITUN.
- To ensure the safety of your sims, you can use my No Autonomous Eat Poisoned Apples (also Safe Actives) mod
- Want No Autonomous Conjure Apple? Try this: No Autonomous Conjure Apple
Note: Because this mod is an OBJK override, this mod will not affect previously existing poisoned apples in your saved game. After you have installed this mod, you must conjure a new poisoned apple.
Don't forget to the delete the scriptcache before loading your game.
Please report any problems you encounter with this mod.
Nona_DeadlyPoisonedApple | (mirror)