Uses for S3PE in World Creation by auntielynds

*** Entire guide as pdf ***

There are several different ways to utilize s3pe for World Creation. I'm sure this is just a few, so if you know of other uses, post, and let us know.

First off, this is where you'll find the download for s3pe;
s3pe Package Editor Download

Second, Back up any files you will be working with, just in case.

These are the things I use the program for. I'll do a quick tut in a new post for each of these.

Designating a World a City

Recovering Caw Files for an Exported World

Changing out the WPID File
So you can upload more than once to the exchange, or install more than one version of your world to your game.

Recoloring, Adding & Extracting Metadata Objects: trees, rabbitholes, ect.

Deleting the _KEY file to fix the brown uck

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