[Pets] Horse mod: No Autonomous Exit Box Stall, slower motive decay- 1.63 - 1.67 by Nona Mena
This mod disallows autonomous use of the “Exit” interaction on the Box Stall for horses. Additionally, it changes the decay rate for the hidden motive “BoxStallBoredom” for Horses. Please note that, for the best results, you will need a No/Slower Exercise and Social Decay flavor.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
Important Details:
- This mod requires the Sims 3 PETS Expansion Pack.
- This mod requires patch 1.63
- This mod alters the Motives XML, and it will very likely be incompatible with all major update patches (especially EP patches). Check back for updates before putting this mod in your game after patch.
- This mod is NOT compatible with any other mod that alters the Exit_BoxStall ITUN and Motives XML resources in the GameplayData.package.
- This mod WILL conflict with my No/slower Social and Exercise Decay for Pets/Horses mods. It will also conflict with any other mod that changes any motive decay in the game, including Twoftmama’s motive decay mods.
- If you are not sure if a mod will conflict with another, use Delphy’s Sims 3 Dashboard Tool to check.
Again, these mods are not compatible with my No/Slower Social and Exercise Decay for Horses mods. Please choose one of the flavors listed below.
Use only one flavor!
No Autonomous Exit Box Stall | (mirror)
No Autonomous Exit Box Stall, Slower Social and Exercise Decay | (mirror)
No Autonomous Exit Box Stall, No Social and Exercise Decay | (mirror)
NEW Flavor: No Autonomous Exit Box Stall, No Social and Exercise Decay, No Saddle Sore moodlet | (mirror)
No Autonomous Exit Box Stall, Slower Exercise Decay and Slower Social decay for all pets. | (mirror)
NOTE: This mod will not stop all autonomous exiting of the box stall. If a horse’s motives are too low, the horse will stop what it’s doing and go satisfy its motives some other way. This means: if your horse’s Social and Exercise motives fall to a critical level, they will leave their stall anyhow and do something else. All other needs can be satisfied inside the Box Stall.
If you have any problems with your horses leaving their box stalls too much, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. I am not comfortable removing the motive exit (when a sim stops doing something to satisfy a critical motive) for those two motives as I don’t want people to get their horses taken away.
If you experience any problems with this mod, please report them.