[WA/UL] Adventure Boards/Job Board for your towns by Nona Mena

These are four separate scripted objects that allow you to place the Adventure Board and the UL Job Board in your town. Due to the way EA has coded the Adventure Board/Job Board (which are the same object with separate models), it is only possible to put the Egyptian Adventure Board on lots in worlds other than France and China. With these objects, you can place all three Adventure Boards anywhere you want.

Note: The World Adventures Boards are pretty much entirely useless outside of Egypt, China, and France. They serve no functional purpose outside of the WA worlds, and were created with NRaas Traveler in mind. The main idea behind these objects is that you can place any type of adventure board at the Base Camp of custom worlds when using NRaas Traveler.

This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.

30 May 2013 - UPDATE

Important Details:
Object Details:

Your presets suck!
Sorry about that :p

Additional Credits:
Many, many thanks to Inge for helping me out with the image problems and thanks to Bloom for pointing out the Rig issue. Also, thanks to Bob for listening to me be emo when stuff doesn't work right.


NonaMena_UL_PostBoxJobBoard_V1 | (mirror)

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