How to Check if a Tuning mod needs an update by Nona Mena

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This tutorial will teach you how to check if a tuning mod requires an update.

This tutorial is intended for beginner modders, or intermediate to advanced mod users who want to know how to check if an XML mod requires an update. Therefore, in some cases, my explanations may be over-simplified. The objective of this tutorial is not to explain more advanced modding techniques, but rather, to enable novice modders and mod users to determine for themselves if an xml tuning mod needs an update.

Mod Types
There are several different types of mods. Depending on the mod type, and the resources edited, some mods may not actually need an update for every patch.

Script Mods
Script mods are written in C#, and are used to add additional gameplay/interactions, fix EA bugs, or simply alter the way EA does certain things. There are three main types of script mods:

Tuning Mods
Tuning mods can also be called overrides. They alter some resource in the game data, and the game uses the altered resource instead of EA's resource. This is why they are overrides: They override EA's tuning. A "default replacement" is also an example of an override. Pretty much any resource in the game can be overridden. Some of the more popular sorts of tuning/override mods are:

Note that, while they can be called override mods, it is not necessary to put most tuning mods in the Overrides folder.

Using this tutorial
This tutorial will teach how to check if a tuning mod needs an update. You cannot use this method to find out if a script mod needs an update.

There are two ways to check if your mod(s) needs an update. Please choose a method to go to the next part of the tutorial. Also, keep in mind that I have written this tutorial for beginners. It is not meant to be a definitive source for mod users knowing whether a mod needs an update. Please consult the mod creator if you have trouble checking a mod.

Method One: Batch Testing. With this method, you can test all mods in your mods folder at once. You must prepare for this before you patch.

Method Two: Individual testing. This method is good for testing individual mods. If you only have a handful of mods to check, or do not have the Gameplaydata from the previous patch level, use this method.

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