[PC] Children can use Not So Routine Machine, Teleport works 100% by Nona Mena

I was greatly annoyed that children could not use the Routine Machine, so I went ahead and enabled it. Also, I found it stupid that my sims spent 15,000§ on it and they have to upgrade it for it to always work, so now it has a 100% teleport anywhere chance even without the upgrade.
Note: You MUST have the Not So Routine Machine from the Sims 3 Store in order for this mod to work. It will NOT add the item to your game.
This mod is compatible with patches 1.66 - 1.67.
- Again, this requires the Not So Routine Machine Premium Content Item from the Sims 3 Store to be installed in your game, or it will do absolutely nothing.
- No other Expansion or Stuff Packs are required for this mod, ONLY the store item.
- Built with patch 1.33, and is compatible with 1.31-1.36. Will likely work for any patch level that can run the Not So Routine Machine.
- This mod is unlikely to require an update, unless the object is updated in the Store.
- This mod will conflict with any other mod that alters any Teleport ITUN, and the Teleport Anywhere XML for the Not So Routine Machine from the Sims 3 Store. I do not currently know of any other mods that do this.
- I do not currently know of any mod that conflicts with this mod.
- You can use Delphy’s Dashboard to check for conflicts if you’re not sure about something
Flavors and Downloads
Use only one flavor!
Flavor 1 - Nona_RM_TeleportAnyhwere_100.zip – Always 100% chance to Teleport | (mirror)
Flavor 2 - Nona_RM_allChild.zip – Only includes Child can use the Not So Routine Machine. | (mirror)
Flavor 3 - Nona_RM_allChild_100.zip – Child can use the Not So Routine Machine AND always 100% chance to teleport | (mirror)
Note: Children will stretch when they use the Not So Routine Machine. This is a temporary effect and will not harm your game.
Please report any problems you encounter with his mod, and feel free to request other flavors.