Your efforts were tremendous, and LittleMissGamer is honored to take on the mantle and bring a new chapter of Simlogical to the world in 2025.

Welcome to the newly redesigned Simlogical. Prefer the old layout of the site? Please hop on over to for the old website, preserved in full. Simlogical has served the sims community as a source of mods (cc) since 2004. In the early days of Simlogical, the website featured a forum and active engagement from the sims 1 and 2 community. Simlogical has been passionately updated for two decades—and was adopted by a member of the sims community in 2024 to keep the project on-going. Today, Simlogical is maintained by (formerly, and will continue to serve the sims community for years to come.


Simlogical now features a brand new design, modernized, with a new forum and rich features. Now, I understand some of you might not like new designs, and I completely understand! That’s why we’ll never be deleting the old Simlogical — it’s now available at in all its former glory. In some cases, Simlogical Classic remade pages may link to the old site or have a few weird little consistency problems with html/css. Most of these are tiny little errors or redirects on things that were not worth re-copying.

Want to download all Simlogical Classic files at once? As a thank you to the sims community, these are provided in one folder, at absolutely no cost to you. This only includes the historical files from the classic simlogical website. New downloads will be available on their respective pages, or via donation (only for every download at once). However, we wanted to ensure easy access to all original Simlogical content. These links will also be available on their respective pages. I recommend looking through pages to get an idea of what each file does before using it.

Download ALL Simological Classic files from Google Drive

Isotopia Sims 2 Rug Recolors

Download the rugs here: Rugs (direct download)


The Holy Sims Church

I grew up Catholic, and while I don’t practice (more a spiritual witch), I’ve always LOVED churches. I find the sims is sincerely lacking on churches, so I made this. The graveyard is empty so that I can fill it with graves of the dead in my game. I tried adding some catalog graves but […]


My Defaults and Necessary Mods for The Sims 3

The bulk of this list comes from NixyFix, PleasantSims, Spoons and Things, and OneEuroMutt. I have also added my own here and there, and replaced broken links. Sims Body KD Primer default skin by Kurasoberina Buhudain’s default replacement eyeball mesh – Original file gone, you can find it in this SFS folder however. Buhudain’s “You […]


Making Sims 2 Bon Voyage More like Sims 3 World Adventures – Egypt

While I’m not really a Sims 3 fan over-all (I find it the ugliest game ever made to be honest just a note I was being dramatic here; I simply have not toyed enough with Sims 3 defaults), I did love the content of World Adventures. Specifically, I liked being able to travel to France […]


How to Get The Sims 2

How to Download/Acquire The Sims 2 There is no legal way to digitally purchase the Sims 2. It is considered abandonware, and thus the ethics of downloading are murky. But that said, the game is amazing, and EA would be making buckets if they just released it. Now, I do suggest you use a VPN […]

East Hampton Beach Skyline and Terrain

I’ve been toying with the idea of an East Hampton sims neighborhood for a while. In-fact, I had already made a rudimentary vacation version, but the lack of skyboxes to match weren’t up to my standards (ie. I wanted a beach, not an island). Also, my SimCity4 terrain needed some work for the conversion to […]


Skyrim Skyline Horizon

I’ve been a Sims 2 player since the game came out (or at least, shortly after because the game was expensive at first, and then my mom had to upgrade our computer back in the day to a whopping 20gb of storage). Despite my love of game mods, and a background in Graphic Design, I’ve […]


Afterlife, a Sims Game Based on Death

Many years ago I was with my mother in a consignment shop. I was rifling through video games and found an interesting title called, “Afterlife”. I was already a simmer at this point and I was intrigued. I was too young to know whether or not this was related to EA/Maxis. As far as I […]


Why I Use The Sims Resource And Pay For It

In the Sims community, saying you use The Sims Resource (TSR), can be a controversial statement. A lot of flak has been given to TSR since it uses the creations of numerous creators, and does not have a pay structure that rewards creators consistently or fairly for being the life-blood of that community. I do […]


Post-Divorce, Mortimer Moves Back With The Goth Seniors

Follow the full Pleasantview stories here. For those of you who don’t remember, I resurrected most of the Goth family, and my Pleasantview timeline of ages can be found here. Post divorce, Mortimer is devastated by the news of his court case getting out to the world- everybody now believes that Mortimer abused Bella. Alexander […]


How to Install Multiple Sims2Pack Files at Once

One thing that’s always been the absolute bane of my existence is installing Sims2pack files. The Multi-Sims2Pack Installer Created by Tashiketh solves this problem entirely by installing multiple packs at once. To use it, all you have to do is download the file, place the .exe in a folder or on desktop (I recommend a […]


Bella Goth is Back With a Vengeance

Bella’s finally come back to town… and she’s out for blood… or is it money she’s after? (View the rest of the story here). After not hearing from Bella in over a year, Mortimer is shocked when divorce papers show up at his door. Mortimer thinks about how Bella disappeared, and considers the idea of […]


Sims 2 Cheat Codes

PC & MAC Entering codes on PC and Mac are different since instead of using the cheat gnome you put in a combination of keys to display the cheat console. You enter the codes in the console to active their effect. To open the cheat console press CTRL + SHIFT+ C, on macs the control […]


Renovating and Updating the Goth Manor in the 2020s

If you’ve followed my previous Pleasantview stories, Cassandra is living in Old Town in her childhood home, Bella has ran off with Skip Broke (who faked his death), and Mortimer is still an adult (on the older end). Now that Mortimer has discovered that Bella is alive and well and certainly not coming back, he’s […]


Playing The Sims Life Stories

A long time ago in a decade far away (okay, last decade), The Sims franchise came out with The Sims Life Stories. While the game had a story-mode which was kind of cool, what I loved at the time was that it would run smoothly on any laptop. This was something that wasn’t common at […]


Dirk and Lilith After College Bliss

Correction: in a very stupid-on-new-antidepressants move, I accidentally referred to Lilith as Angela in the original post. I am just as bad as Mary Sue and Daniel. ???? I never really expected Dirk and Lilith to make it this long. However, they rarely fight, and I’m not going to force them to. Apparently they’re in […]


Playing The Sims: SuperStar, It’ Still Fire in the 2020s

Mostly because every time you put down a fireplace or cook, everybody immediately dies, but I digress. I remember the first time I ever played The Sims. It was the best experience I’d ever had. Getting new expansions felt like the best thing in the world, and I still get giddy remembering the very first […]


Sims 2 Defaults I Use

A very long list of defaults. Barely sorted, my apologies. I’m too tired for that. Maybe someday… I’m also considering doing a few of my own defaults for furniture and stuff, but that’s not going to happen just yet, so thank you to all these lovely creators. […]


A Heartbroken Cassandra Goth buys her Childhood Home

Still reeling from learning her mother is alive and ran away with Skip Broke, Cassandra is single and heart broken. In a twist today I’m starting my Sims 2 playthrough in Sims 1. Look at baby Cassandra I mostly just wanted to visit the original Goth house before moving on to the re-creation in The […]


Dina and Michael Bachelor, Happily Ever After

I’m so sick of the Dina and Nina are golddigging homewreckers storylines. Not here, not with me. Dina is happily married to a very alive, (and 49-year-old) Michael Bachelor. Why is Michael white? For some reason the game had him this way. I’m going to see about Simpe’ing him, but otherwise… enjoy white-washed Michael. UPDATE: […]